Monday, October 8, 2007

PETA wants Britney's dogs Taken Away Too!!!!

Not only does she lose custody of her kids but PETA wants K-Fed to try to get custody of her pets. PETA president Michael McGraw wrote a letter to K-Fed to encourage him to pursue the custody of the dogs, especially Britney's Yorkie, London. They feel the dogs are in danger because she takes them to nightclubs and shopping malls.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Fall Fashions 2007

Fall means.....

~New Styles

~New Wardrobe

This fall its all about COLOR. From patterned mini-dresses to colorful sneakers and flats stores are putting up new displays.

So when you're out buying new clothes and sneakers why not buy something like this......

Tuesday, September 25, 2007